About BUDDHA Path

The Sanskrit word Path means foot or footstep. According to Buddhist legend, after the Buddha attained enlightenment, his feet made an imprint in the stone where he stepped. Buddha Path, therefore stands for the grounding of the transcendent. It symbolizes the Buddha’s presence; they are believed to be the imprints where the Buddha actually touched the ground; and his absence upon having entered nirvana.

Buddha path is a representation of the Buddhist ideal of nonattachment, even as it reminds all that Buddha was present on earth and left a spiritual ‘path’ to be followed.


India remains a source of the world’s most profound wisdom, light and illumination. Indeed, just what we today call West Bengal has alone produced some of the greatest Buddhist masters ever to walk this earth. We in the 21st century cannot afford to lose our connection to this extraordinary tradition and spirit of past times.
In the Himalayan region where Buddha path resides, the Sherpas, Tamang, Gurkhas, Lepchas, Tibetans, Bhutanese, Sikkimese and more, have for centuries been the faithful custodians of this wisdom tradition. The colonial era came dangerously close to losing that connection. But the basic call of that precious heritage in the minds and hearts of Himalayan peoples has never really diminished. Indeed, it is so gratifying to see more and more of our youth searching for those roots and wellsprings of their being.
And so, it is at this moment in history that Buddha path aspires to provide the facilities and space to explore and celebrate this ancient heritage that is more relevant to our modern times than ever before. Inseparable from that wisdom tradition, Buddha path will also be a space where 21st century netizens can connect with the wider world through music, art, poetry, drama and more. And through all it does, Buddha path will enable all who step through its doors to explore, discover and invest in the innate goodness of human beings revealed to us by the Buddha.”
–Ven. Khenpo Ngawang Sangay.


Buddha path is a group for the study and practice of Buddha Teachings in all its traditions, along with Indian philosophical systems and the contemplative culture traditions of the country. The group seeks to support initiatives for preservation and dissemination of ancient Buddhist wisdom, such as the historical knowledge program.

The group also endeavors to create a platform for inquiry into Tibetan, Nepali and Indian traditions practice through teaching. To this end, we invite instructors and experts from varied fields to conduct programs and immersive workshops which are offered both, for our residents, as well as to the local community.

Simultaneously, it aims to strive towards sustainable ecological practices and livelihoods for the local communities in the Himalayas, with a special focus on the youth of the region.